Eye Bag Removal Treatment in Singapore

Refresh your look with our eye bag removal treatments.

What are eye bags?

Eye bags refer to the slight puffiness or swelling that appears under the eyes, which are often more noticeable with age. This condition is typically a cosmetic concern that can make individuals appear older or more fatigued than they actually are.

At Clarion, we specialise in eye bag removal treatments that target these concerns, providing our clients with a smoother, more youthful under-eye area. Understanding the nature of eye bags is the first step in addressing them effectively, and our team is dedicated to educating our clients about their options for eye bag treatment in Singapore.

What Causes Eye Bags?

EThe formation of eye bags can be attributed to various factors, including ageing, genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental influences.

As we age, the tissues and muscles supporting the eyelids weaken, and the skin may start to sag, forming pouches beneath the eyes. Fluid accumulation in the space below the eyes can also contribute to the appearance of eye bags. Factors such as lack of sleep, smoking, and high salt consumption can exacerbate this condition.

At Clarion, we take a holistic approach to eye bag treatment in Singapore, considering all potential causes to tailor the most effective treatment plan for you.

Eye Bag Removal in Singapore

In Singapore, there are several innovative treatments available for eye bag removal, each designed to address the condition's underlying causes and aesthetic concerns. At Clarion, we are proud to offer the following state-of-the-art solutions:

  • HIFU is a non-invasive treatment that uses ultrasound energy to target the deep layers of the skin, promoting collagen production and resulting in a tighter, more lifted appearance around the eyes. This procedure is ideal for those looking for a non-surgical option with minimal downtime.

    Price: $250 per session

  • This treatment combines the benefits of microneedling with radiofrequency energy to penetrate the skin deeply, encouraging collagen and elastin production. The result is a reduction in the appearance of eye bags and a smoother, more rejuvenated under-eye area.

    Price: $850 per session

  • Dermal fillers are injectables that can effectively reduce the appearance of eye bags by adding volume to the tear trough area, creating a smoother transition between the under-eye area and the cheeks. This treatment is quick, with immediate results, making it a popular choice for those seeking an effective solution with no downtime.

    Each of these treatments is designed to address specific aspects of eye bag formation, and our experts at Clarion will work with you to determine the most suitable option based on your individual needs and desired outcomes.

    Price: $550 onwards

eye bag removal singapore or dark circles

Dark Circles Vs. Eye Bag Removal

While often mentioned together, dark circles and eye bags are distinct concerns requiring different treatment approaches. Dark circles refer to the darkening of the under-eye skin, often due to thinning skin or visible blood vessels, while eye bags are caused by puffiness or swelling beneath the eyes. 

At Clarion, we offer targeted treatments for both conditions. Understanding the difference allows our team to recommend the most appropriate procedure, whether it be for dark circle alleviation or eye bag removal in Singapore. Our comprehensive assessment ensures that your specific concerns are addressed with the most effective strategy for brightening and rejuvenating your eye area.

Eye bag removal Singapore suitability

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Eye Bag Removal In Singapore?

Ideal candidates for eye bag removal treatments at Clarion are individuals who are in good general health and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of their chosen procedure. If you're bothered by the appearance of under-eye bags that make you look tired or older than you feel, you might be an excellent candidate for our treatments. 

During your initial consultation, our specialists will assess your under-eye area, consider your overall facial structure, and discuss your aesthetic goals to recommend the most appropriate treatment plan. Factors such as skin type, age, and the severity of eye bags will be considered to ensure that the recommended treatment aligns with your needs and expectations.

Can You Get Rid of Eye Bags Naturally?

While changing your lifestyle and trying home remedies, like getting more sleep, eating less salt, and staying hydrated, can help make eye bags less noticeable, these solutions often provide only a short-term fix.

For more permanent and noticeable results, Clarion's professional treatments offer effective solutions. Our advanced treatments are specifically designed to tackle the root causes of eye bags, delivering not just immediate improvements but also lasting benefits for your under-eye area.

Why Choose Clarion for Your Eye Bag Removal Needs?

At Clarion, we're committed to providing personalised eye bag removal solutions that meet the unique needs of each client in Singapore. Our team is not only skilled in the latest treatment technologies but also deeply understands the importance of maintaining your natural beauty. We prioritise your safety, satisfaction, and comfort, aiming to deliver exceptional results that boost your confidence and rejuvenate your appearance.


  • Most of the eye bag removal treatments offered at Clarion, such as HIFU and dermal fillers, come with minimal to no downtime, allowing clients to return to their daily activities immediately or shortly after the procedure. Microneedling radiofrequency may require a short recovery period, during which minor swelling or redness may occur.

  • The process begins with a comprehensive consultation to discuss your concerns and goals. Based on this discussion, a personalised treatment plan is formulated. During the treatment, our specialists ensure your comfort and safety, using the latest techniques to achieve the best results. Each treatment option varies slightly in procedure, but all are performed with the utmost care.

  • Discomfort levels vary depending on the chosen treatment and individual pain tolerance. However, at Clarion, we take significant measures to minimise discomfort, applying topical anaesthetics or using pain-reducing technologies to ensure a comfortable experience.

  • The permanence of eye bag removal results depends on the treatment type, lifestyle factors, and natural ageing processes. Treatments like dermal fillers offer temporary results that can last several months to a couple of years, while procedures such as HIFU provide longer-lasting outcomes. Our team will discuss what you can expect in terms of results duration during your consultation.

  • The number of sessions needed varies with the treatment method and the individual's condition. Some treatments, like dermal fillers, offer immediate results, while others, such as HIFU and microneedling radiofrequency, may require multiple sessions to achieve optimal outcomes. We tailor each treatment plan to meet the specific needs and goals of our clients, ensuring the best possible results.