Laser Hair Removal in Singapore

Are you tired of the constant need to shave, wax, or use depilatory creams to maintain smooth skin? There's a modern solution that offers long-lasting results and is becoming increasingly popular in Singapore: laser hair removal. At Clarion Medical and Aesthetics, we understand how important it is for you to feel confident and free from unwanted body hair. Our state-of-the-art laser treatments are tailored to meet your individual skin and hair type needs, ensuring optimal results.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal uses a concentrated beam of light energy to target and damage hair follicles, effectively reducing future hair growth. This procedure is precise, as the laser selectively targets the dark pigment in the hair while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. At Clarion, we use advanced laser technologies suitable for all skin types, ensuring a safe and effective treatment for everyone.

Laser Hair Removal in Singapore

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

Proper preparation is key to the success of your laser hair removal treatment. Here's how to prepare for the best possible results:

  1. Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect your treatment areas from the sun for at least six weeks before your session. Sunburned or tanned skin can complicate the procedure and increase side effects.

  2. Shave the Treatment Area: Shave the area 24-48 hours before your appointment. This reduces the risk of surface skin irritation while allowing the laser to target the hair follicle more effectively.

  3. Skip Other Hair Removal Methods: Do not pluck, wax, or use depilatory creams on the treatment area for at least six weeks before treatment. These methods remove the hair root, which is necessary for the laser to target effectively.

  4. Cleanse the Skin: Ensure the treatment area is clean and free from makeup, creams, or lotions on the day of the appointment. Residues can affect the efficiency of the treatment.

  5. Discuss Medications: Some medications, particularly those photosensitive, can affect treatment outcomes. Discuss your current medications with your technician to ensure safety.

What to Expect During Laser Hair Removal

During the Procedure

During the procedure, you will wear protective eyewear and a numbing cream may be applied to enhance comfort. The treatment session typically lasts from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the area being treated. You may experience a sensation akin to a rubber band flicking against your skin.

After the Procedure

Right after the treatment, you might observe redness and swelling that resembles the effects of a mild sunburn. These effects are typically temporary and subside within a few hours to a few days. Our specialists will provide you with specific aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Laser Hair removal vs. IPL

Laser Hair Removal vs. IPL

Laser hair removal and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments are both popular methods for reducing unwanted hair, but they operate differently. Laser hair removal employs a single, concentrated wavelength of light specifically tailored to penetrate the hair follicle, making it more effective for permanent hair reduction. In contrast, IPL uses a broad spectrum of light that can target multiple skin conditions but is less specific for hair removal, which may lead to more treatments and varied results. 

At Clarion, we use medical-grade laser technology that is more precise and can safely treat darker skin tones without damaging the surrounding skin, unlike IPL, which has a higher risk of skin burns on darker skin types due to its broader light spectrum.


Why Clarion for Laser Hair Removal in Singapore

Choosing Clarion Medical and Aesthetics for your laser hair removal ensures you receive top-tier care tailored to your needs. Here are several benefits of choosing us:

  • Expertise and Experience: Our team of certified laser technicians has extensive training and years of experience in laser technologies. Their expert knowledge ensures safe, effective, and precise treatments.

  • Advanced Technology: We invest in the latest laser equipment that is effective on all skin types, including darker and sensitive skin, providing safer and more effective treatments tailored to your hair and skin type.

  • Personalised Care: Each treatment plan is customised to meet the unique needs of our clients. We consider your skin and hair type, lifestyle, and cosmetic goals during your initial consultation.

  • Comfort and Safety: Your comfort and safety are our top priorities. We use cooling technologies and numbing creams to enhance your comfort during the procedure. Our clinics follow stringent hygiene and safety protocols.

  • Comprehensive Consultation: Before starting treatment, we conduct a detailed consultation to discuss your aesthetic goals, evaluate your skin and hair type, and explain the procedure and what you can expect, ensuring all your questions are answered.

  • Proven Results: Our clients enjoy high satisfaction rates with visible results that improve over the course of their treatment plan. We aim for the highest standards of care with every session.

  • Follow-Up Care: We provide thorough aftercare instructions and offer follow-up sessions to monitor your progress and ensure the best results. Your ongoing satisfaction is important to us.

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Laser hair removal can lead to permanent hair reduction. Most individuals experience a significant, long-term reduction in hair growth after a series of treatments. The number of treatments varies depending on the area treated, your hair type, and your growth cycle. At Clarion, we provide an honest assessment during your initial consultation about what you can expect from your treatment.

Permanent Laser Hair Removal

Aftercare Instructions

After your laser hair removal session at Clarion Medical and Aesthetics, following the right aftercare routine is crucial for ensuring the best results and minimising any potential discomfort.

  1. Soothe the Skin: Immediately after treatment, it's common to experience some redness and swelling. Apply cool compresses or a soothing gel, such as aloe vera, to help reduce any discomfort and inflammation.

  2. Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect the treated area from the sun, as UV exposure can hinder the healing process and increase the risk of skin discolouration. Wear protective clothing and apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Reapply sunscreen every two hours if you are outdoors.

  3. Skip Hot Baths and Saunas: For the first 48 hours after treatment, avoid hot showers, baths, saunas, and steam rooms. Heat can increase skin irritation and inflammation.

  4. Gentle Skincare Routine: Use gentle, non-abrasive skin cleansers and moisturisers that are free from alcohol and fragrances to avoid irritating the treated area. Pat the skin dry instead of rubbing it after washing.

  5. Avoid Tight Clothing: Wear loose-fitting clothes over the treated area to prevent friction and irritation.

  6. Do Not Pluck or Wax: Avoid any hair removal methods that pull the hair from the root, such as waxing or plucking, between treatment sessions. These methods can disrupt the hair follicle and affect the results of your laser treatments.

  7. Monitor for Unusual Reactions: While rare, if you notice any unusual reactions such as blistering, excessive redness, or signs of infection, contact Clarion Medical and Aesthetics immediately for advice.

  8. Hydration is Key: Keep your skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water and using a hydrating moisturiser. Well-hydrated skin can recover more effectively from laser treatments.

  9. Avoid Exfoliating Agents: For at least one week post-treatment, avoid chemical peels or any products containing retinoids or alpha hydroxy acids that may irritate the skin.

  10. Follow-Up Care: Adhere to any personalised advice given by your laser specialist at Clarion Medical and Aesthetics. Attend follow-up sessions as recommended to assess the progress of your treatment and make any necessary adjustments.

Schedule Your Consultation!

Ready to enjoy smooth, carefree skin? Schedule your consultation with Clarion Medical and Aesthetics today. Our team is ready to provide you with personalised care and support throughout your treatment journey. Let us help you achieve the beautiful, lasting results you deserve. Contact us now to start your path to a more confident you!


  • Laser hair removal is effective for all skin types. At Clarion, we adjust the laser settings to match your specific skin and hair type for optimal safety and effectiveness.

  • Most people require 4–6 sessions for substantial hair reduction. However, this varies based on the treatment area and your individual characteristics.

  • Yes, you should shave the area 24–48 hours before your session. This helps the laser target the hair follicle without burning the hair on the skin's surface, reducing the risk of irritation.

  • Discomfort varies but is generally minimal. Most patients describe it as a light snap of a rubber band against the skin.

  • Results can be long-lasting. Most patients experience significant hair reduction for several years and may require occasional maintenance treatments.

  • Common side effects include temporary redness, swelling, and mild irritation. Serious side effects are rare when performed by qualified professionals.

  • It's best to avoid strenuous exercise for the first 24 hours after treatment to prevent irritation and sweating, which can aggravate the skin.